Hercules Data Management
Data Safekeeping
HGL's approach to keep data safe is based on a multi-tiered approach. Data is kept in two or more locations as long as possible. When disk gets full, only the minimum amount of ARCHIVED data is deleted. Hercules tracks the movement of recorded data making sure that files are backed up as they move from the acquisition source to cold storage.
Low Cost Scale
To make the most of data archiving, HGL supports the IBM LTO tape library. LTO offers large storage capacity, inexpensively. Tapes are great for cold, offline storage. Hercules offers automatic generation of duplicate backup tapes to keep a copy offsite.
Automatic Data Restoration
Hercules database management keeps a hierarchal list of all data. Users navigate the database tree to find the required test data. Hercules will restore any archived data not on disk to the appropriate location for post processing or data replay.
Support for Multiple File Formats
Customers have many different applications from third parties or developed internally for analysis. HGL offers the ability to easily convert recorded data to third party formats such as matlab, DATX, and wav.